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[RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List

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[RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List Empty [RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List

Post by Gokoulssj Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:38 am

As stated in the title this is just a rumor I found on another AS Facebook page (Not sure if it's allow to mention them or not)

* List of idols rumored to "Roommate" program is said to also be Lizzy. *

The program Produced by SM C & C and will air at the end Kpop star 3. The idols will live together in a house and their interactions are recorded.

According to the list, Lizzy is the only member reference.

Please this is only a rumor we do not know if it's true or not.

[RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List Rumor10
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[RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List Empty Re: [RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List

Post by TheFianalAlpaca Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:38 pm

I really hope this is true not only because Lizzy is going to be on there but they're gonna have someone from Stellar. They got such bad responses to their latest song that I actually felt bad for them.The song wasn't even that bad

If they don't have Lizzy, they should at least put another member of After School
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[RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List Empty Re: [RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List

Post by dangerouslush Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:57 pm

This is a great list and I think Lizzy will have the most enjoyable personality on a show like this. Though, I honestly think Juyeon would be really great too...she seems cool, funny and a little girly the more I watch on Beauty Bible which would be good for a group of roommates Smile

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[RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List Empty Re: [RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List

Post by Gokoulssj Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:19 am

So, as of now looks like Nana is the one who will be on this show and not Lizzy
Nana confirmed to be on New Variety Show Called "Roommates"
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[RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List Empty Re: [RUMOR] 140301 SBS Roommate Idol List

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