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[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM

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[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Empty [INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM

Post by PlayboyzAdam Tue Mar 25, 2014 1:05 am

They said that OC concepts are more interesting than AS

Nana: I couldn’t believe I was picked as #2. There are many beautiful people in Korea and for me to talk about being #2, I feel shy and embarrassed.

They said that in OC they get more screen time in performances and singing parts than they do in AS

Raina and Nana had a hard time with being cute during the start of OC

Member who is the most sensitive?
[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Tumblr_inline_n2xvwbmUIq1rjzcbj

What kind of CF’s do you wanna do?
[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Tumblr_inline_n2xvz3RuBU1rjzcbj

Lizzy likes single eyelid guys

Nana’s Ideal Type

[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Tumblr_inline_n2xw1cpmj51rjzcbj

Lizzy is best at cooking in OC

Lizzy “In the future I want to meet a man that’s like Raina.”

Nana’s charismatic points

[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Tumblr_inline_n2xwb0gpyQ1rjzcbj

Raina -> Nana

[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Tumblr_inline_n2xwc3hPiF1rjzcbj

There are no members in AS that OC wants to join into OC

Nana “It will only be us three (in OC).

[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Tumblr_inline_n2xwdpamCF1rjzcbj

[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Tumblr_inline_n2xwebEkmd1rjzcbj

[trans by OCAnanasubs]



DJ : After School and Orange Caramel have a very different vibe. How was it during the activities? Which one is more fun?
Nana : If we talk about ‘fun’, it’s Orange Caramel (Raina and Lizzy agree)
DJ : Which one fits your personality more?
Lizzy : Orange Caramel..
DJ : After School has more in OC you have more parts?
Nana : We have more parts(in song) and screen time
Raina : When Lizzy and Nana first join After School, each of them only have a line
Lizzy : I even share that one line
Raina : The “No, no,no” line (In bang) but in Orange Caramel, we divide evenly.

DJ : I heard Nana was ranked #2 on ‘the most beautiful faces in the world’?
Nana : Yes.. Thank you
DJ : What kind of rank is it?
Nana : It’s a rank released yearly by TC Chandler. I ranked #2 out of 100 most beautiful faces in the world.
DJ : Marion Cotillard was ranked #1..
Raina : I like her..she’s a france actress and she’s really charming..
DJ : Nana, did you feel sad that you didn’t get #1?
Nana : Nope.. actually.. it’s kind of nonsense that I ranked #2. There are a lot of beautiful women in Korea. And to say that I rank #2.. I kind of shy.. and embarassed

DJ : Orange Caramel has a very unique concept. How was it when you start your activity as OC? Did you hesitate at first?
Nana : Actually, my personality is very different from OC cute and fresh concept. So I didn’t really like it at first. At first, Raina unni and I was kinda..
DJ : Burdening?
Raina : We were like “What is this?”, “Are we going to wear this?:
Nana : “Don’t tell me.. we have to?”
Lizzy : But I really like it. I like the outfit and the music as well
DJ : But I think you learn to like it now?
Raina : Now, we really working hard on it

DJ : Lizzy, I heard you retract your #1 target?
Lizzy : I was going to eat sushi on stage (if win #1) but everytime I think about it, it’s kinda difficult to always brought sushi
DJ : But your manager can brought it for you. And didn’t fans prepare it for you, when you win #1?
Lizzy : We won’t know when we will nominated as #1 contender
DJ : Ah, so there’s no prediction/rumour before it
Lizzy : Yeah, there’s no prediction so we always promote through sns to send sms and make us win #1
DJ : So, are all of you will eat sushi on stage?
Lizzy : They will feed me
Nana : Yeah, we’re going to feed them
DJ : So only Lizzy who’ll eat sushi?
Lizzy : Yes
DJ : Will you dip it in soy sauce?
Lizzy : Yes, I will

DJ : The best ‘hit song’ from OC?

Raina : Lipstick

Lizzy : Magic Girl

Nana : Bangkok City

DJ : If OC hold a concert, who do you want to invite as a guest?
Raina : Well, we’re only a unit and AS havent hold a concert in Korea, it’s hard for girlgroup. Well I hope we can hold it someday.

[trans by PGZworld]

Fifth Grader

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[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Empty Re: [INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM

Post by PlayboyzAdam Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:58 am

PGZworld wrote:DJ : After School and Orange Caramel have a very different vibe. How was it during the activities? Which one is more fun?
Nana : If we talk about ‘fun’, it’s Orange Caramel (Raina and Lizzy agree)
DJ : Which one fits your personality more?
Lizzy : Orange Caramel..
DJ : After School has more in OC you have more parts?

Honestly I am disappointed that Raina, Nana and Lizzy finds Orange Caramel more fun than After School because I am After School bias. But I'm not going to hold it against them and neither should Playgirlz/Playboyz. They are entitle to their preferences just like everyone else. I'm actually really happy that there are other fans out there that are disappointed like me because it means they like After School more than Orange Caramel Very Happy like me. Even though fans are disappointed by Orange Caramel's preference I don't think fans are going to leave the fandom or hold anything against Orange Caramel. I'm actually more upset that I'm not Nana's type( I'm not the motherly type Sad ).

JayeLim920's opinion piece points out that Orange Caramel didn't explicitly say they like Orange Caramel more than After School. However "to like more", "to prefer more", "to enjoy more" and "more fun" are all synonymous. Also which group they are promoting as determines the activities, i.e. when they are promoting as After School they perform After School activities and when they are promoting as Orange Caramel they perform Orange Caramel activities. Since they think Orange Caramel activities are more fun it follows that they prefer being in Orange Caramel more than After School.

If they had to choose one group only to be in i.e. After School or Orange Caramel I think they'll choose After School because they'll miss the other members so it wouldn't be more fun for them. If they choose Orange Caramel I'll feel very disappointed.

Some stuff I want to clear,

@JayeLim920 no need to h8 PGZworld, PGZworld didn't translate it wrong fans are just paraphrasing what was said Very Happy 

someone on ASDaze wrote:Um this isn't the first time OC said they preferred OC over AS. There are previous promotions where they stated that on radio shows and stuff. There's no need to be in denial..Lizzy even talks on Strong Heart that she hates being sexy (aka AS main concepts)
I disagree, I don't remember Lizzy ever saying on Strong Heart that she hates being sexy (aka AS main concepts). Also here's a reason why I disagree

As you can see the Flash Back teaser was Lizzy's idea and she had the sexiest Flash Back teaser photo.

And here's some questions I've got,

When the DJ asks which one fits your personality more? PGZworld translation had "Lizzy : Orange Caramel.." and JayeLim920 translation had "Lizzy and Raina : Orange Caramel" so which one is correct?

saiking79 wrote:Just mistranslated。If a true PlayGirl who follow After School since debut like me(SonePlayGirl),Raina say before in an interview that if she got a second chance to choose the group she want to join she definitely will joining back After School。That show how After School effect each member even their activities without After School。
Does anyone know when and where Raina says in an interview that if she got a second chance to choose the group she want to join she definitely will joining back After School?

Fifth Grader

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[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Empty Re: [INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM

Post by albeitalways Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:18 am

If I'm not mistaken, PGZWorld changed their translation after they've posted it because as some fans pointed out, their translations could be taken out of context and cause drama in the fandom (and it did, some people had a hissy fit over Twitter). So maybe that accounts for the inconsistency in the translation between the two.

As for Raina's interview, I think I've read about it too but I've already forgotten.

I understand why they prefer OC, because who doesn't want to have more lines and screen time during promotions? While their preference doesn't indicate they don't like being in AS anymore, I can see why some fans are disappointed. I think most of the resentment is because the other members (except Uee) aren't getting promoted in AS.

But that fault lies in Pledis, and not because of OC themselves. AS is their flagship group, but it doesn't look like it with the way they're treated.

I remember I was frustrated in 2010 when OC was created because AS was dormant for an entire year after Bang! promotions ended. But to be fair to Pledis, they gave equal promotions to AS and OC next year. AS promoted twice and released their first full-length album, and OC promoted twice as well. But in 2012, while both groups only promoted once, it was still upsetting because OC released their first full-length album and AS only got a mini. But then again, OC did not promote in Korea at all in 2013.

Still, there's a lot to be found wanting in Pledis's promotions with AS. But fans should always remember that it's not like the members have a direct hand in their management (if that was the case, they definitely would've promoted more hehe) and they shouldn't direct their personal frustration with the way the members are being handled to the other members who are getting more promotions.

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[INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM Empty Re: [INTERVIEW] 140324 Orange Caramel at KBS JJC&HR 2PM

Post by PlayboyzAdam Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:58 am

albeitalways wrote:If I'm not mistaken, PGZWorld changed their translation after they've posted it because as some fans pointed out, their translations could be taken out of context and cause drama in the fandom (and it did, some people had a hissy fit over Twitter). So maybe that accounts for the inconsistency in the translation between the two.
I think you've mistaken. I posted PGZWorld's translations in this thread before fans started having their hissy fits(well on ASDaze anyway I'm not sure about twitter) so I'm pretty sure that the PGZWorld translations(regarding the part in question) has always been right. You could just ask PGZWorld whether they did or didn't change their translations or check their current translation and see if it is different from the ones I posted.

albeitalways wrote:But that fault lies in Pledis, and not because of OC themselves. AS is their flagship group, but it doesn't look like it with the way they're treated.
What's wrong with the way Pledis is treating After School?

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