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[DISCUSSION]Orange Caramel is SUPER SEXY! Empty [DISCUSSION]Orange Caramel is SUPER SEXY!

Post by PlayboyzAdam Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:09 pm

Since Orange Caramel debuted with Magic Girl, they've been known for their Candy Culture concepts. What some fans haven't notice yet is that they are not all about cute and colourful concepts.

Orange Caramel's Bangkok City has got to be the sexiest concept I know of in Kpop(without looking slutty, I don't find looking slutty that sexy anyway). I think Bangkok City is more sexier than After School's Ah, Flash Back and First Love. Bangkok City is full of sexy dance moves e.g. hip sways, body waves and they do a fantastic job drawing the viewer's attentions to their legs,  lips, chest and rest of their bodies with their hands. When I watch their Bangkok City performances, most of the time my eyes are following their hands(actually Nana's hands because she's got the sexiest hands LOL). IMO there's nothing cute about Bangkok City.

What Nana does from 1:27 to 1:31(i.e the hip sways, moving her hand[while flickering her fingers] from her hip slowly up to her chest and finishing it off with a hair flick) for me is the SEXIST Kpop moment ever. I don't find Raina very sexy but what she does from 1:18 to 1:20 is a bit of a turn on.

Also here's the worlds sexists girl showing you how being sexy is done(without lingerie or revealing clothes). Again my favourite part from 1:05 to 1:09 Very Happy

Orange Caramel's Lip Stick was confusing to me at first because it was definitely cute but I also definitely notice elements of sexiness. Just like in Bangkok City you'll notice Nana use her sensual voice as well as her cute voice and the mini skirts showing off their legs in the performances is definitely sexy.

Also Nana's sexy body wave in Lip Stick MV.

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