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Playgirlz Japan Syllabus

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Playgirlz Japan Syllabus  Empty Playgirlz Japan Syllabus

Post by captainsprunchz Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:52 am

Playgirlz Japan Syllabus  JbzBvSG3ooM4KO
You found Puzzle Piece #3! Part of the "Where's Orange Caramel?" Giveaway BONUS Forum Puzzle

Let's spread the awesomeness of AFTERSCHOOL all over Japan!

1.) Request Afterschool on Japanese TV!

Go to our Dress to Kill Tutorial on to quickly request AFTERSCHOOL via Twitter and Guest Requests Forms! Very Happy

2.) Buy "Dress to Kill!"

Physical single & Oricon Chart: This is Japan's major music chart, and the first week of sales is THE most important for getting an album/single to number 1. International fans can buy the "Dress to Kill" from these stores, pre-order from them now if you haven't yet!

Buy From ASDaze:

To simplify this ASDaze has actually partnered with YesAsia!  YesAsia’s sales count on the Oricon Chart, so you can trust your purchase is helping AFTERSCHOOL.

For every album bought through the links below, ASDaze will receive a portion of the profits! These profits will go directly into Afterschool Events and Activities on the site! It’s a win, win, win.

With Book:

Without Book:
*However, please take note that it may be more expensive to purchase the CD from YesAsia. If you find a better deal elsewhere, do consider donating the balance to support ASDaze's events and activities (and receive free gifts for donors)!


HMV online Japan


3.) Watch Japanese "Shh!"  PV on YouTube
Keep watching the PV! If you want to increase the views even more, please follow this guide:

Make sure you are logged into your YouTube account!
Search for "Shh!" PV
Click on the Official Video by PledisArtist
Subscribe, watch, like, comment, share. Make and use several YouTube accounts to do this if you can!
You must watch the whole video (no pause/forward) and the volume needs to be above 50% on the YouTube player
Don't REFRESH the page or press REPLAY button: You must REPEAT the above steps and search the MV again for each view to count.    
You must clean history after 10 plays and delete cookies every 60 minutes (ALL TIME history/cookies, not just the ones for the past hour ^^).

4.) Like, Favorite, and Share official PLAYGIRLZ Japan Content
Like and share AFTERSCHOOL Official Japanese homepage on your SNS:



Information Via ©️  Thank you guys!
ASDaze Team

Posts : 140
Reputation : 16
Join date : 2014-02-14

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