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[SNS POINTS] 30% - YouTube, Twitter, Search Engines!

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[SNS POINTS] 30% - YouTube, Twitter, Search Engines! Empty [SNS POINTS] 30% - YouTube, Twitter, Search Engines!

Post by Jayden Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:02 pm

SNS Points (30%)

SNS points count for 30% of performance on music shows.


  • Add the official hashtags (*see current syllabus*) to all *AfterScool/Orange Caramel...etc* related tweets.
  • Retweet all recent tweets from current promoting members and Pledis Entertainment's accounts.
  • Mentions also counts as SNS points! Talk to them!
    Sns points
    1retweet = 0.1point
    10rt = 1point
    50rt = 5point
    100rt = 10point

  • If you have a Me2Day account, do the same as for Twitter.


  • Like the official Facebook page.
  • Like and comment on ALL the posts from the current promotion (easy! just show them how excited you are <3)

Search Engines

  • Enter **current song promotion name in hangul** and/or **current promoting group (after school, orange caramel...etc.) in hangul** into the search boxes of the sites below
  • Click on any related article and keep it open at least 1 minute.
  • Close your browser window before using another search engine: Nate; Daum; MelOn; Naver(needs an account, see this tutorial on how to make one -- thanks to BAPYESSIR who has kindly allowed us to use it!)

These methods below have not been proven to work. The most effective and proven way to up YouTube views is with the Playgirlz Voter.


  • Search for "current promoting song* MV
  • Click on the Official Video by PledisEnt
  • You must watch the whole video (NO pause/forward) and the volume needs to be above 50% on the YouTube player
  • DO NOT REFRESH the page or press REPLAY button: You must repeat the above steps and search the MV again for each view to count.    
  • You must clean history after 10 plays and delete cookies every 60 minutes (ALL TIME history/cookies, not just the ones for the past hour).

RiRism (fellow Playgirlz <3)

  • Refreshing videos won't increase the views but decrease them as, youtube will count it as spam or will be assumed the video didn't work etc so they won't count your view.

  • The best thing to do is to make a playlist with the song from both pledis' channel, loen channel, and even the teaser and put it on repeat. (ASDaze suggests only watching Pledis Channel if possible)
  • It's important to not pause the video or mute it. 
  • Also, commenting as much as you can and sharing the video is a really good thing. 
  • BUT remember to delete your history every 15 minutes!
  • and take a break after 30-60 minutes for about 30 to 60 minutes to give youtube time to actualize the views.

If you're logged in, you should comment using Google+, otherwise your comments may be deleted.

If you have any feedback or queries about the content of this post, please direct them to, or drop it into our Smile

Posts : 225
Reputation : 23
Join date : 2014-01-29

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