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Our Donors <3

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Our Donors <3 Empty Our Donors <3

Post by captainsprunchz Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:20 pm

ASDaze’s mission: To keep After School news and activities easily accessible to After School’s ever-expanding international fanbase. And in true Playgirlz Spirit, we want to keep it fun!

Many thanks to our donors who make it possible for us to fulfill this mission every day through a variety of events and projects!  Thank you so much for your generosity, it has not gone unnoticed :')

Our Donors:

  1. Juan, USA (Gokoulssj)
  2. Dao, USA (Thorax85)
  3. William, Hong Kong (WBrother, Sponsor!)
  4. Manal, Saudi Arabia (Manal, Admin at @ArabPlaygirlz)
  5. Jennifer, Australia
  6. Sarah, USA (captainsprunchz)
  7. Tuan Nguyen, USA (riceeeeeeeeee)
  8. Thurston Woo (marinesquad49)
  9. Adam Feng (PlayboyzAdam)
ASDaze Team

Posts : 140
Reputation : 16
Join date : 2014-02-14

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